Podcast #9: Cleveland's Spark Plug Instructor

On today’s show, my guest is Anne Hartnett, the energetic owner of Harness Cycle, a spin studio based in the Hingetown neighborhood of Cleveland. Her personal take on a spin studio has as much to do with the physical work you put into class as it does the mental focus you need to live your best life off the bike. She’s here to talk about her transition from working a 9 to 5 to starting her own dream job, just two years ago. In this episode, we talk about getting comfortable with uncertainty, launching a business from idea to storefront, shifting focus from customers and clients alone to building a workplace where everyone feels that they’ve giving and getting back. www.harnesscycle.com Book: Comfortable with Uncertainty, by Pema Chodron http://amzn.to/1EnsWcP

On today’s show, my guest is Anne Hartnett, the energetic owner of Harness Cycle, a spin studio based in the Hingetown neighborhood of Cleveland. Her personal take on a spin studio has as much to do with the physical work you put into class as it does the mental focus you need to live your best life off the bike. She’s here to talk about her transition from working a 9 to 5 to starting her own dream job, just two years ago. In this episode, we talk about getting comfortable with uncertainty, launching a business from idea to storefront, shifting focus from customers and clients alone to building a workplace where everyone feels that they’ve giving and getting back.


Book: Comfortable with Uncertainty, by Pema Chodron